Derby Contenders
Horse Contenders for the Kentucky Derby
The contenders at Kentucky Derby are usually passed through a series of tests to see if they are fit to participate in the race. As a result Kentucky Derby Contenders train hard to pass this test. In this section, I’ll take you through the profiles of 2023 Kentucky Derby Contenders.
There are about ten thoroughbreds deemed fit to compete for this event. But this list may not be the final one because unforeseen circumstances may lead to absence of some horses.
Uncle Mo is a very popular Kentucky Derby contender. This colt has a rich background history of wins that run right back to its parentage lineage. The horse is very good when it comes to short sprints due to its strong legs and linear body. However, it often falls short when it comes to long racing because it doesn’t have enough stamina. Uncle Mo’s sire is Indian Charlie which was also a record breaking Kentucky Derby contender. Currently Uncle Mo is contesting for a Triple Crown.
Also headed for the race is ‘Jaycito’. Though not common as a Kentucky Derby contender; this horse is known to have great handling ability. Jaycito responds faster than other horses when it comes to following instructions. It also has a great stamina but its main challenge is speed. However, this horse is very flexible and with proper training it can adjust its speed. Jaycito is a Kentucky Derby contender to look out for.
Frankel is a young two year old horse with a rich lineage. Its sire is Galileo; a horse known to do the seemingly impossible when it came to horse racing. Frankel’s main advantage is it ability to accelerate with ease at any point of the race. Frankel shows determination and endurance just like its predecessor Galileo. Frankel hails from the United Kingdom and is bay in color.
There are other Kentucky Derby contender horses with their own unique characteristics. Horse racing is not entirely dependent on the horses. But also the effort put by trainers and skills of the riders. The racing field environment also determines a horse’s performance. Some horses are good on grass tracks while others perform better on soil tracks.